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    Diana Muriuki

  • Category:

    Foundation Level

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  • english

This paper is intended to equip the candidate with knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will enable him/her demonstrate adherence to good governance and ethical practices in practice.

A candidate who passes this paper should be able to:

Identify ethical issues and determine when ethical principles apply

Analyse alternative courses of action and apply the fundamental ethical principles of
integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality and
professional behaviour to ethical dilemmas and determine an appropriate approach.

Paper No. 2 Professional Ethics and Governance

This paper is intended to equip the candidate with knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will
enable him/her demonstrate adherence to good governance and ethical practices in practice.


A candidate who passes this paper should be able to:

Identify ethical issues and determine when ethical principles apply

Analyse alternative courses of action and apply the fundamental ethical principles of
integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality and
professional behaviour to ethical dilemmas and determine an appropriate approach.

Adhere to laws, professional standards and policies, and the rules of professional
conduct when exercising professional judgment

Practice the tenets and principles of good governance

Identify violations of the code and standards, and recommend the best measure for

Develop and maintain knowledge of emerging local and global codes of ethics and


1. Overview of Professional Ethics

1.1 Definitions of ethics, the good as the last end, the common good, ethical norms,
morality, values and ethical conduct, conscience and levels of conscience

Ethical philosophy, principles
1.3 Ethics and professionalism

Definition of Business Ethics and Corporate Ethics
1.5 Benefits and importance of ethical conduct in the investment industry

Ethics and law
1.7 Challenges to ethical behaviour and ethical dilemma

1.8 Ethical decision-making framework

1.9 Code of ethics and professional standards ICIFA

1.10 Code of ethics versus code of conduct

1.11 Role of a code of ethics in defining a profession

2. Ethical Theories

2.1 Moral development (theories): Kohlberg Theory; Gilligan’s Theory

2.2 Consequentialist Theories: Utilitarian; Egoistic; Common Good

2.3 Nonconsequentialist Theories: dutybased; the rights; the fairness or justice, the
divine command

2.4 Agentcentred theories: the virtue; the feminist

2.5 Applied Ethics: terms used in ethical judgments; obligatory, impermissible,
permissible, supererogatory

2.6 Framework for ethical decision making: the consequentialist framework; the duty
framework; the virtue framework

3. Ethics and the Investment Industry

3.1 Need for high ethical standards in the investment industry and why it matters

3.2 Types of investment fraud

3.3 Ethics, Society, and the Capital Markets

3.4 Capital Market Sustainability and the Actions of market players

3.5 Relationship between ethical and legal standards

3.6 Commitment to Ethics by Firms

3.7 Applying the ethical framework

3.8 The standards of professional conduct

An ongoing commitment to professional competence: ethical decisions in the
stock market;
short selling, pump and dump, insider trading, bucketing, false
trading, cornering

3.10 Factors influencing business ethics

3.11 Establishing ethics and trust in the investment industry

4. Generally Accepted Codes of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct

4.1 Professionalism

4.2 Concerns of professional ethics

4.3 Integrity of Capital Markets

4.4 Duties to clients

4.5 Duties to employers

4.6 Investment analysis, recommendation, and actions

4.7 Conflict of interest

4.8 Code of ethics for various professionals: ICIFA code of conduct, standards and
ethics; Stewardship Code for Institutional Investors 2017; The code of corporate
governance practices for issuers of securities to the public 2015

4.9 King IV Report on Corporate Governance

4.10 The revised Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
principles of corporate governance and their relevance to nonOECD countries

4.11 Cadbury Report of the committee on the financial aspects of corporate

4.12 The Hampel committee on corporate governance

5. Global Investment performance standards (GIPS)

5.1 The genesis of the GIPS standards

5.2 Construction and purpose of composites in performance reporting

5.3 Requirement for verification

5.4 Structure of the GIPS standards

5.5 Benefits from compliance

5.6 Features of the GIPS standards and the fundamental of compliance

5.7 Scope of the GIPS standards with respect to investments firms

5.8 Implementation of GIPS standards in countries and conflicts with local


5.9 The nine major sections of the GIPS standards

6. Overview of Governance

6.1 Definition of governance

6.2 Principles of Governance

6.3 Importance of Governance

6.4 Governance and Management

Ethical Leadership
6.6 Codes of governance

6.7 Importance of Codes of Governance

6.8 Corporate Governance Concepts

6.9 Historical overview of Corporate Governance

6.10 Interrelationship between Business Ethics and Corporate Governance

6.11 Governance and the Law

6.12 Role of the board in promotion of ethical conduct

7. Theories of Corporate Governance
7.1 The Agency Dilemma

7.2 Agency Theory

7.3 Stewardship Theory

7.4 Resource Dependency Theory

7.5 Stakeholder Theory

7.6 Transaction Cost Theory

7.7 Political Theory

8. Emotional Intelligence

8.1 Definition of emotional intelligence (EQ)

8.2 Components of emotional intelligence

8.3 Signs of High Emotional Intelligence

8.4 The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in a Leader

9. Accountability, Risk Management, and Internal Control

9.1 Ethical risk and how to manage it

9.2 The Fraud Triangle Theory

9.3 Traditional Risk Theory applied to ethical risk

9.4 Financial reporting

9.5 Integrated reporting

9.6 Strategies and processes in enterprise risk management

9.7 Board’s role in enterprise risk management

9.8 Internal controls

9.9 Audit Committee

9.10 External auditor

9.11 Internal audit charter and work plan

10. Stakeholders Management

10.1 Stakeholder groups

10.2 Shareholders and stakeholder rights and interests

10.3 Shareholders and stakeholder obligations

10.4 Minority shareholders

10.5 Stakeholders engagement

10.6 Stakeholders dispute resolution

10.7 Shareholders association and education

10.8 The Role of institutional investors in corporate governance

Institutional investors’ relationship with investee companies

Case Studies in Professional Values and Governance

11.1 Importance of case studies

11.2 Using ethical concepts to analyze case studies

11.3 Practical professional ethical study cases

11.4 Enron scandal

11.5 Case studies on select stock brokerage firms and banks

12. Contemporary Issues and emerging trends

12.1 Impact and interrelationships between social media and professional ethics and
governance, how much should employees post, technology, racial discrimination

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